Our Projects
Building human capital is crucial to reduce the suffering of refugees trapped in isolated area’s beyond the reach of attention
01. Capacity Building
The Youth Community Based(YCB) program gives youth vocational training to help them develop the crucial soft and practical skills needed to get a job. It also gives them the tools they need to become more economically active, be leaders in community development and make a significant contribution to the socioeconomic development of the nation
TVET - Education
Green Initiatives
Culture of Peace

Our farming idea is centered on promoting regenerative farming methods that yield organic output, enhance livelihood and disseminating knowledge to expand chances for young people to earn money. Our main target demographic is Ugandan farmers who are also refugees because they understand the need to become self-sufficient and accept that responsibility. We may anticipate an increasing influence if we can enable them to modify their food-producing activities to become climate-positive and enhance their standard of living.
- Livelihood Improvement
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Climate Smart Agriculture
- Creating Opportunities
- Positive Social Impact

Green Chances
The green chances program aims to give training in rural farming and community gardening to refugees and the host community. It also educates them about regenerative and organic agriculture and teaches them how to combat environmental problems like climate change, land degradation, excessive use of natural resources, and others that have an impact on their lands.
- Back gardens
- Green Economy
- Sustainable Society
- Food Security
- Agriculture Knowledge

Refugee Farm Radio
The Radio for Extension and Agribusiness Services REAS aims at improving market-oriented farming and the capacity of agribusiness entrepreneurs and producers, including farmers and farmer associations. The space focuses on enhancing the innovative competencies and market-oriented skills of these farmers and fellow farmers with whom they work, providing information to increase the quality and productivity of the agribusiness sector which will lead to creating opportunities for youth to generate income.
- Agribusiness Entrepreneurs
- Income Generating
- Green Network
05. Peace Building
The space serves as a platform for conflict prevention and peace building through entertainment, as we believe that peace building is a long-term process of encouraging people to talk and repair relationships. At Rlsug we organize events for all refugees to share inspiring stories, create theater activities for young people and raise awareness about the importance of education by local role models.
Refugee livelihood Space
Magamaga , Bweyale town, Kiryandongo district , Uganda